Poker Masterclass
Poker Masterclass
Organized by Sid Rastogi ’23
Brief Description
An introduction to poker theory - come with little or no knowledge and leave a master (jk no promises)! This crash course will go from the basics of the game to discussing poker theory and strategy in depth. We'll talk about ranges, playing in position, bet sizing, etc. and how to think using concepts like probability/EV to gain an edge over other players. By the end, participants will not only be passable poker players, but a great ones! We might also talk a little about overlaps between poker and trading. And ofc, we're going to play a lot of poker!
Any Prerequisite Skills or Knowledge Needed?
Time Footprint
I'm thinking maybe three meetings over the course of the week for like 1.5-2 hours each. It doesn't **require** consistent participation, but I think people will def benefit from coming to all of the meetings.