Don't see your question answered here? Please contact Jeff Groves or Darryl Yong.

Frequently Asked Questions (for everyone)

  • What COVID safety measures will be in place during the program?

    Any prevailing COVID safety measures (for example, relating to testing, social distancing, masking, etc.) from state, local, and college administration at the time of the program will be enforced. If the Claremont Colleges decide that the Spring 22 semester must be taught remotely, then the Joy-Term will be cancelled. Otherwise, as long as students are returning to campus in the spring, we anticipate the program running in some form. Based on the state of the pandemic at the time of Joy-Term, we may need to determine if some activities need to be cancelled, switched to remote/virtual participation, or modified in some way (e.g. to allow for greater social distancing).

    We strongly recommend that all students make travel arrangements that are flexible, in case the Colleges institute new COVID safety policies for the Spring 2022 semester.

  • I want to participate in or organize an activity but I'm stretched too thin or too busy! What do I do?

    Whether you're a student, faculty, staff member, the answer is the same--please prioritize your personal wellbeing. For staff and faculty, that week before the Spring semester is an important opportunity to rest and rejuvenate, and participating in Joy-Term comes at a cost of having less time for that. For staff, participating may mean an added time commitment. Will this activity really bring you added joy and wellness when you take these things into consideration? If not, practice the skill of saying no. Be mindful of how much you're letting pressure from others influence your decision.

Frequently Asked Questions (for students)

  • When can I move in and when does the Hoch-Shanahan Dining Hall resume operations?

    We recommend arriving on Sunday, Jan 9 or Monday, Jan 10. We strongly recommend that all students make travel arrangements that are flexible, in case the Colleges institute new COVID safety policies for the Spring 2022 semester. We are planning for the Hoch-Shanahan Dining Hall to open in a limited fashion, but details have yet to be determined.

  • How much is the participation fee for Joy-Term 2022 and what does it include?

    The participation fee for Joy-Term 2022 is $750 (or $600 for students who are also participating in a DSA Orientation Adventure Jan 14-16). The fee includes room and board and the cost of all materials/supplies/transportation that might be required to participate in activities during Joy-Term 2022. The cost is not prorated if you arrive on campus for only a portion of the week (Jan 10-14). This fee is waived for all students who are receiving need-based HMC scholarship during the 2021-22 academic year.

    International students who are staying on campus over Winter Break do not need to pay the Joy-Term fee to participate in it as they are already paying for room and board during that week.

  • How do I know if I am receiving need-based HMC scholarship during the 2021-22 academic year?

    Please login to the
    Portal and check the details of your financial aid package. If you are unsure or have questions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at (909) 621-8055 or financial_aid@hmc.edu.

  • If I receive a fee waiver, will that affect my financial aid package?

    If you are currently receiving need-based HMC scholarship, you will see a charge to your student account and then a credit of the same amount. Because Joy-Term does not involve academic credit, this credit will not affect your financial aid package or your 1098T tax form.

  • How will I be charged for the Joy-Term student participation fee?

    If you are not receiving need-based HMC scholarship, then you will see a charge of $750 (or $600, see below) show up on your student account. Student accounts need to be in good standing to be able to register for the following semesters.

  • Are there refunds for the Joy-Term fee if I sign up but can't participate for some reason?

    The deadline for canceling your participation in Joy-Term without incurring a fee is Monday, Jan 3, 2022. If you do not cancel before that date, or you cancel and show up to campus early, you will be charged the participation fee.

  • Can I participate in both Joy-Term and the First-Year Orientation Adventure before Spring 2022?

    Yes! DSA is organizing first-year orientation adventure retreat trips the weekend before the Spring 2022 semester (Jan 14-16). If you are participating in these trips (either as participants or facilitators), there is no significant overlap with Joy-Term 2022. Most orientation activities won't begin until the evening of Friday, Jan 14, 2022 and by that point Joy-Term activities will have concluded. In fact, if you are participating in First-Year Orientation Adventure this spring, the room and board charges are slightly lowered--the cost will be $600 instead of $750, since the cost of room and board for that weekend is being covered by DSA.

Frequently Asked Questions (for prospective activity organizers)

  • If I'm organizing an activity, can I participate in activities?

    Yes! The only limiting factor is your own time. Please use the sign-up sheet to indicate which activities you which to participate in.

  • Do I have to be an expert in the activity that I'm proposing to organize?

    Not at all. It's okay if you want to learn something alongside others. If there are some learning materials (books, videos, etc.) that you will use together, please let us know about those (and their cost). If there are individuals that you know of that have more skill that will be participating, please consider co-organizing the activity with them.

  • The activity I'm imagining requires X and HMC doesn't have X. What can we do?

    Unless the cost is exorbitantly high, do we have are some funds set aside for the purchase of supplies, materials, and equipment or the cost of transportation. If something else required, please contact Jeff Groves or Darryl Yong to chat about this.

  • Do activity organizers also have to pay the participation fee?

    Only students need to pay the participation fee this year, because the majority of the cost is due to room and board. If you're a student receiving need-based HMC scholarship during the 2021-22 academic year, then you do not need to pay the participation fee. All other students will need to pay the fee. There will be a small stipend for all activity organizers.