Quilts, Art and Community
Quilts, Art and Community
Organized by Kate Phillips ’23
Brief Description
Participants will learn how to make a quilt from start to finish by creating a community quilt together. All participants will learn how to sew basic quilting squares, and then we'll combine them into one quilt and learn how to baste, quilt, and bind to finish the piece. We'll also discuss quilt preservation and the various social justice projects that exist in the larger quilting community.
Any Prerequisite Skills or Knowledge Needed?
No! If you already know how to use a sewing machine, you can jump right in, but no prior knowledge is required!
Time Footprint
There will be a step to work on everyday, but only days 2-4 are really recommended for everyone!
Day 1: How to Use a Sewing Machine - if you don't know how to use a sewing machine, come learn the basics required for the quilting activity! If you already know how, you're always welcome to come talk about quilts or help out.
Day 2: Planning/Cutting/Piecing - We'll start talking about the quilt and the piecing of the blocks. Everyone will choose a simple block to make and the fabric to make it with.
Day 3: More Piecing - We'll continue to work on piecing blocks, depending on time we can possible make more. We'll also lay out the whole quilt and can start piecing the whole thing together.
Day 4: Basting/Quilting/Binding - We'll talk about how to put together the layers of a quilt and the actual quilting step.
Day 5: Quilt Preservation/Social Justice - We'll talk about quilt history and preservation, and national quilting social justice projects. Linked here:
Quilt SOS: https://quiltalliance.org/projects/
SJSA: https://www.sjsacademy.org/
Participants Limit
Maximum 16 participants